# Determine appropriate.Identities for (ECTA- or ASTA-) Sets for Recepient (DV of DA)
DetermineAppropriateIdentifiers (sets, Recipient.ServiceProviderID)
- GROUP ecta/acta-sets BY setNumber in sets
- ORDER sets ASSENDING BY setNumer
- FOR EACH set IN sets
- # check IF all IdentityTypes in set can and may be provided for het user
- FOR EACH IdentifierType IN set
- IF IdentifierType=BSN AND Recipient.ServiceProviderID NOT on the BSN AutorisationList THEN respond with a unrecoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details.
- IF IdentifierType can not be provided for this user THEN next set
- # all IdentifierTypes are checked, current Set = appropriate set
- # Add the Identifiers of the user for all IdentifierTypes (Identificerende kenmerken) in the appropriate set to appropriate.Identities
- FOR EACH IdentifierType IN set
- appropriate.Identities[IdentifierType] = IdentifierValue of IdentifierType for the user and Receipient combination
- RETURN appropriate.Identities
- # No appropriate Set can be provides for this user - start error handling
- respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details.