In the interface described here, the use case GUC3 Aantonen identiteit consists of an SAML 2.0 AuthnRequest and Response. The specific content of these messages is described below. Detailed information about the value of fields can be found in Attribute elements.
For eIDAS-outbound, the eIDAS Berichtenservice acts as a DV, and as Dienstbemiddelaar (DB) for the BRP. Any statement in this page about the DV should therefore be interpreted as "DV and/or EB".
A column in a message description that starts with 'SAML' indicates that this is the standard value. A value that starts with 'Elektronische Toegangsdiensten' indicates that the value is specific to Elektronische Toegangsdiensten.
SAML: Version of the SAML protocol. The value MUST be '2.0'.
SAML: Time at which the message was created.
SAML: URL of the AD on which the message is offered. MUST match the AD's metadata.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included.
The value 'true' indicates that an existing Single Sign-On session MUST NOT be used for the request in question. If the value is 'false' or empty or the specification is missing, the AD MUST use an existing SSO session if one exists, and is applicable (see Single sign-on and user sessions).
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MAY be included. If IsPassive is included, the value MUST be 'false'.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: This attribute element indicates the URL to which the response must be sent. The value of AssertionConsumerServiceIndex MUST match an index at the assertion consumer service in the HM's metadata.
If the DV queries additional attributes (via an AttributeConsumingService as described in Interface specifications DV-HM and the DV metadata for HM), they MUST be included here by the HM. To this extent, one Elektronische Toegangsdiensten specific RequestedAttributes (see schema below) element MUST be included containing the RequestedAttribute elements reflecting the DV's request. The requested attribute(s) MUST be defined in the Attribuutcatalogus and MUST be declared as RequestedAttribute in the Service catalog entry for the requested service. An AD not able to provide these attributes MUST act as specified in the alternative use case described in Attributen niet leverbaar of niet toegestaan.
Other XML attributes MUST NOT be included.
Other elements MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MAY contain an attribute Comparison='minimum' and an element AuthnContextClassRef that contains the minimum Level of assurance required by the DV.
When RequestedAuthnContext is included in the request, then it must contain a Level of assurance (AuthnContextClassRef) equal to or lower than the level of assurance included in the Service catalog for the requested service.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included
MUST propagate @ProviderName of the party initiating the Request.
A receiving AD:
MUST verify a requested service is defined in the Service Catalog and requested accordingly.
MUST sanitize @ProviderName to remove any script or formatting before displaying.
In case of Dienstbemiddeling (service intermediation), MUST verify the Dienstbemiddelaar (Service Intermediary) is still authorized by the Dienstaanbieder (Service Supplier) by verifying the authorization status of the mediated service in the Service Catalog.
The AD MUST determine the branding to be used.
If IntendedAudience is eIDAS Berichtenservice, use eIDAS-outbound branding as described in Richtlijnen communicatie eIDAS.
Else, base the branding on the information elements listed in the table below.
Note: the above example only provides the response. The response will be sent via an Artifact binding.
Authentication assertion
SAML: Version of the SAML protocol. The value MUST be '2.0'
SAML: Unique reference to the assertion
SAML: Time at which the assertion was created
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST contain the EntityID of the AD.
The attributes NameQualifier, SPNameQualifier, Format and SPProvidedID MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST be included
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST contain a <NameID> with a Transient ID.
A SubjectConfirmation element that meets the Web Browser SSO profile MUST be included. Other SubjectConfirmation or SubjectConfirmationData elements MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST be included. The attributes NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter MAY be included but should be ignored by the receiver.
An Audience element in the AudienceRestriction element that meets the Web Browser SSO profile MUST be included.
Other audience elements MUST include relevant parties: EntityIDs of the requesting DV and the MR/KR/HM (if applicable) to whom the assertion will be targeted. In case of Dienstbemiddeling (service intermediation), both the Dienstaanbieder (service supplier) and Dienstbemiddelaar (service intermediary) are a relevant party and must be listed as audience. For a Dienstaanbieder for whom only the OIN is known, the notation 'urn:etoegang:DV:<OIN>' is to be used.
Note: that for eIDAS-outbound, the eIDAS Berichtenservice has the role of Dienstverlener. So the notation of the EntityID is identical as for the DV (with ROLE "DV" and not "EB").
Other conditions MUST NOT be included.
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST NOT be included
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: The attribute AuthnInstant MUST contain the time of authentication.
The AuthnContext element MUST contain an AuthnContextClassRef element containing the level of assurance at which authentication took place and an AuthenticatingAuthority element containing the OIN format of the KvK number of the AD.
In the case of proxying, AuthenticatingAuthority element MUST be populated with a unique identifying attribute for the party that carried out the authentication.
Other attributes and elements MUST NOT be included.
Optional Attribute-Statement
Elektronische Toegangsdiensten: MUST be included if StatusCode is 'Success'. MUST NOT be included otherwise.
In case of representation:
ActingSubjectID (EncryptedID@MR) with the internal pseudonym of the acting user MUST be included.
IF an additional ActingSubjectID is requested by the EB in the servicecatalog, the ASTA will be Encrypted for the EB (as an EncryptedID@EB) and MUST contain all identifiers in ASTA-set as described in the service catalogue for the service.
If the ASTA-set can not be delivered by the AD, the AD MUST respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details.
The <AttributeStatement> in the summary assertion MUST hold the relevant attribute values obtained in the assertions of the authentication process. The HM MUST NOT add any attributes that are not present in the gathered assertion.
Depending on Rules for processing request:
MUST include:
ActingSubjectID – multi-valued containing one ore more SAML <EncryptedID> (see SAML encryption) as value, each containing an applicable identifier of the acting (natural) person for a specific Relying Party (eg DienstVerlener, DienstAanbieder, DienstBemiddelaar or Machtigingenregister).
LegalSubjectID – multi-valued containing one ore more SAML <EncryptedID> (see SAML encryption) as value, each containing an applicable identifier(s) of the ServiceConsumer for a specific Relying Party (eg DienstVerlener, DienstAanbieder, DienstBemiddelaar or Machtigingenregister).
Additional attributes MAY be included here only IF the StatusCode is 'Success'.
Other EncryptedAttribute elements MUST NOT be included.
Rules for processing response
A responding AD:
MUST include a transient identifier as a <NameID> in Subject; see Linking of Assertions.
MUST encrypt any other identity according to the rules specified in SAML encryption and added as Attribute in the AttributeStatement.
MUST ensure that a user consents to authentication for:
the ServiceProvider,
(optional/if applicable) "@ProviderName"
Personal attributes and/or BSN of the ActingPerson FOR the Intermediated Service and/or Intermediating Service
MUST ensure only to provide a BSN to receipients on the BSN AutorisationList otherwise respond with a non-recoverable error. See Error handling for more details
MUST determine appropriate identity(s) according toDetermine appropriate ECTA and Identifiers (see infobox below)
In case of no representation:
An AD MUST include all appropriate (ECTA) identifiers of the acting user for the DV in ActingSubjectID, as described in the service catalogue for the service
If an AD can not provide any of these requested ECTA-identifiers the AD MUST respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details
In case of Representation
An AD MUST include the internal pseudonym of the acting user for the MR in ActingSubjectID
If additional ASTA-identifiers are requested by the EB (in the ServiceCatalog) then an AD MUST include all appropriate ASTA-identifiers of the acting user for the DV* in ActingSubjectID, as described in the service catalogue for the service
ActingSubjectID MUST contain an EncryptedID encrypted only for the receiving DA/DB that requested the specific ASTA. The recipient of the ASTA for the DA and DB SHOULD be taken from the IntendedAudience element in the request.
In case of a DA for whom only the OIN is known, the notation 'urn:etoegang:DV:<OIN>' is to be used as recipient.
If an AD can not provide any of these requested ASTA-identifiers the AD MUST respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details
In case of Service Intermediation
An AD MUST ensure ServiceProvider is authorised to use service intermediation as stated on the list AllowedForServiceIntermediation IF the AD does not want to use the service catalog to determine that the ServiceProvider is authorised to intermediate the intermediated service
If the AD does configure the AllowedForServiceIntermediation list locally, An the AD MUST use the ServiceCatalog to determine that the ensure ServiceProvider is authorised to intermediate the intermediated service as stated in the ServiceCatalog
An AD MUST add ASTA- and ECTA-identifiers for the intermediated service as stated in the ServiceCatalog using the same above processing rules as for the DV
IF non-representation AND NOT service intermediation THEN MUST include the appropriate identity(s) of the user for the Dienstverlener (DV) as an <EncryptedID> in ActingSubjectID
IF non-representation AND service intermediation THEN MUST include the appropriate identity(s) of the user for both Dienstverleners (DienstBemiddelaar (DB) and Dienstaanbieder (DA)) as an <EncryptedID> in ActingSubjectID
Reference implementation processing rules for identities
IF DA.@intermediationAllowed = “generalAvailable” OR ( DA.@intermediationAllowed = “requiresApproval” AND DV.ServiceProviderID IS IN DA.ServiceIntermediationAllowed ) THEN
# check IF all IdentityTypes in set can and may be provided for het user
FOR EACH IdentifierType IN set
IF IdentifierType=BSN AND Recipient.ServiceProviderID NOT on the BSN AutorisationListTHEN respond with a unrecoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details.
IF IdentifierType can not be provided for this user THEN next set
# all IdentifierTypes are checked, current Set = appropriate set
# Add the Identifiers of the user for all IdentifierTypes (Identificerende kenmerken) in the appropriate set to appropriate.Identities
FOR EACH IdentifierType IN set
appropriate.Identities[IdentifierType] = IdentifierValue of IdentifierType for the user and Receipient combination
RETURN appropriate.Identities
# No appropriate Set can be provides for this user - start error handling
respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details.
Note: At this moment the use of ASTA-sets and Service Intermediation is limited to the EB for eIDAS-outbound.
MUST include additional attributes as an AttributeStatement.EncryptedAttribute that are requested by the DV (Dienstaanbieder/DienstBemiddelaar) as specified in the Service catalog and consented by the user.
IF required attributes cannot be provided (because of consent or not available) MUST act according to UC on not providing Attributes (see Attributen niet leverbaar of niet toegestaan) : stop the authentication flow and start error flow.
MUST encrypt attributes according to the rules specified in 3. SAML encryption and added as an Encrypted Attribute in the AttributeStatement.
MUST ensure user consent according to rules of the Attribute Policy (see Attributenbeleid)
MUST ensure that only attributes are provided that are listed for the requested service in the service catalog
If additional required atributes are requested by the DV (in the HM-request) then an AD MUST include these Attributes
If an AD can not provide a requested required atttributes the AD MUST respond with a recoverable error (Attributes not supported). See Error handling for more details
If additional optional atributes are requested by the DV (in the HM-request) then an AD SHOULD include these Attribute
Reference implementation of Processing rules for Attributes
include attribute as EncryptedAttribute@DV with a unique Encrypted_DATA_ID that is the same as the attribute name in the attribute catalogue (e.g. urn:etoegang:1.9:attribute:FirstName).
ELSE IF attribute.isRequired THEN respond with a recoverable error). See Error handling for more details.
An AD MUST include the Level of Assurance at which the authentication was realized. This realization is the minimum of the Level of Assurance of the registration process of the authenticated user and the Level of Assurance of the authentication mechanism applied.
An AD MUST NOT include a level for which it is not certified.
Determine appropriate ECTA and Identifiers:
all the EntityConcernedTypes in an Identifier Set of EntityConcernedTypes with the same set number in the Service catalog.
IF no set numbers are used, only one EntityConcernedType is allowed THEN handle this EntityConcernedType as if it was in 1 set.
all the EntityConcernedTypes in the identifier set with the lowest possible set number the AD/MR can provide for this response.LegalSubject.
IF AD/MR can't provide for any Identifier Set THEN start Error Handling
Determine the response.EntityConcernedTypes and the corresponding response.LegalSubject.Identifiers for the selected identifier set.
For ECTA=BSN the applicable service provider MUST be listed on the BSN Autorisation List OTHERWISE start Error Handling
For Single Logout, the Single Logout Profile that is part of the SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile is applied on the understanding that the logout message is sent to the AD through the HM. The interface for this message is described below.
SAML: Unique message attribute
SAML: Version of the SAML protocol. The value MUST be '2.0'.
SAML: Time at which the message was created.
SAML: URL of the AD on which the message is offered.