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Eisen Identificatie op Afstand niet van toepassing

Onderstaande eisen zijn een selectie van de eisen in ETSI TS 119 461 v1.1.1. welke niet van toepassing zijn verklaard voor Elektronische Toegangsdiensten, met een onderbouwing waarom deze niet van toepassing zijn verklaard.

hoofdstuk / paragraaf / norm

toelichting ETSI

eTD onderbouwing 'reeds bestaande eisen in afsprakenstelsel'

5 Operational risk assessment

Eisen zijn onderdeel van het Afsprakenstelsel ETD.

6 Policies and practices

Eisen zijn onderdeel van het Afsprakenstelsel ETD.

7 Identity proofing service management and operation

Eisen zijn onderdeel van het Afsprakenstelsel ETD.

8 Identity proofing service requirements
8.1 Initiation

INI-8.1-01: The applicant shall be informed of, and shall accept, the purpose of the identity proofing and the related terms and conditions as required by the identity proofing context.

Eis is onderdeel van het Normenkader Betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.1.

INI-8.1-02: If alternative identity proofing processes are available to achieve the purpose of the identity proofing, the applicant shall be allowed to select which of the alternative processes to use.

NOTE 1: A physical or digital identity document as defined in the present document will usually represent a natural person only. Identity documents that evidence that a natural person represents a legal person can be envisaged but cannot be assumed to be generally available.

Het is aan de leveranciers om een passend proces aan de klanten aan te bieden.

INI-8.1-03: The applicant shall receive clear guidance regarding how the identity proofing process will be carried out, regarding the identity information that will be collected, regarding the evidence that the applicant is required to present, and regarding any tool that the applicant is required to use.

EXAMPLE 1: Information on the applicable data protection rules, notably GDPR if the identity proofing process is carried out under the legislation of an EU Member State.

EXAMPLE 2: The identity proofing process can require the use of a specific type of device (e.g. a smartphone) with the installation of specific software (e.g. an app).

Eis is onderdeel van het Normenkader Betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.2.2.

8.2 Attribute and evidence collection
8.2.1 General requirements

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.1 en 2.1.2.

COL-8.2.1-01: The identity attributes required for the identity proofing context shall be defined and collected.

COL-8.2.1-02: The identity attributes collected shall provide unique identification of the applicant for the identity proofing context.

COL-8.2.1-03: The identity attributes shall be validated by use of one or more authoritative evidence.

NOTE 1: An identity proofing process can use multiple evidence, including several evidence of the same type, e.g. several identity documents, either routinely, or with further evidence added if identity proofing using the initial evidence yields insufficient reliability of the result.

COL-8.2.1-04: The evidence collected shall meet the requirements of the identity proofing context.

NOTE 2: The identity proofing context can pose requirements for the use of specific types of evidence, e.g.
resulting from applicable legislation.

COL-8.2.1-05: The evidence shall be issued by entities trusted in the identity proofing context.

NOTE 3: Meaning that the evidence can be validated and that the reliability of the attributes conveyed can be assessed.

COL-8.2.1-06: A list of the identity proofing use cases supported, the evidence that can be trusted, and, as far as possible, the identity proofing contexts supported shall be published.

NOTE 4: Identification of use cases can be by reference to clause 9 of the present document.

NOTE 5: While the list of evidence that can be trusted is required to be comprehensive, a specific identity proofing context can place restrictions on the selection of evidence applicable to the identity proofing context.

COL-8.2.1-07: The freshness of the identity information obtained from evidence shall be evaluated against the freshness requirements of the identity proofing context.

EXAMPLE: A passport can have a lifetime of 10 years, and an eID or signing certificate can have a lifetime of 2-5 years, meaning the identity attributes obtained from this evidence can have changed since the
evidence was issued. Some evidence issuers can apply revocation and re-issuing if information

NOTE 6: If the information conveyed from an evidence does not fulfil the information freshness requirements of the identity proofing context, the situation can be compensated by the use of supplementary evidence.

8.2.2 Attribute collection Attribute collection for natural person

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.1.

[CONDITONAL] If the applicant is a natural person, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL- For each identity proofing context supported, the means used to collect identity attributes for a natural person shall be documented and published.

• From a physical identity document by transcription or scanning (e.g. OCR reading).
• From a digital identity document.
• From the use of an eID authenticating the applicant.
• From a certificate supporting a digital signature applied by the applicant.
• Directly from the applicant by typing in information or otherwise.
• From authoritative information sources such as public registers.
• From existing information in auxiliary data sources such as customer records and databases.
• From other documents supplied by the applicant or from other sources.

COL- The following attributes shall at a minimum be collected if the applicant is a natural person:
a) family name(s), first name(s), which should be current names;
b) further information as needed to uniquely identify the applicant as a natural person in the identity proofing context.

NOTE 1: There can be cases where the name attributes collected need to match the name provided by an evidence, which is not necessarily the current name when a name change occurred after the evidence was issued.

NOTE 2: Requirements for the presence of naming attributes can depend on the identity proofing context. In some contexts, a full name (all family names and first names) can be required, while in other contexts full name is not needed. In rare cases, a person can have only one name, classified as either first name or family name.

NOTE 3: Depending on the identity proofing context, unique identification can be in the form of a single attribute such as a national identity number, or as one or more additional attributes that together with the name provide unique identification.

NOTE 4: ETSI EN 319 412-2 [i.9] specifies X.509 certificate profile for natural persons. In addition to the name of the subject, a country attribute with undefined semantics is mandatory, and usually a serialNumber attribute is required to guarantee a unique identity. While values for the country and the serialNumber attributes can be part of the attributes collected, these values can also be generated and added by the certification authority.

NOTE 5: Although the outcome of the identity proofing can be a pseudonym identity, identity proofing conforming to the present document requires identification of the real identity of the person as determined by applicable identity documents, official registers or other authoritative sources.

COL- The attributes to collect shall be as determined by the identity proofing context.

NOTE 6: Given the identity proofing context, the legal basis for collecting certain attributes can be laws or regulations allowing collection or consent by the applicant. Applicant's consent can be extended to the collection of attributes additional to the minimum set needed for the identity proofing context.

COL- The identity proofing process shall not collect identity attributes that are not included in the result of the identity proofing, except when such attributes are required for attribute and evidence validation and/or binding to applicant. Attribute collection for legal person

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.3.

[CONDITONAL] If the applicant is a legal person, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL- For each identity proofing context supported, the means used to collect identity attributes for a legal person shall be documented and published.

NOTE: Depending on the identity proofing context, attribute collection for a legal person may vary from basic company information to an extensive record of information about the legal person, including information such as beneficial owners and personnel in key roles.

EXAMPLE 1: Attributes can be collected from business registers, commercial information providers, documents and attestations, or by manual input in the course of the identity proofing process.

COL- The attributes collected shall uniquely identify the applicant as a legal person in the identity proofing context.

COL- The following attributes shall, as a minimum, be collected if the applicant is a legal person:
a) full name of the legal person;
b) country of registration of the legal person;
c) unique identifier and type of identifier for the legal person (unless such identifier does not exist).

EXAMPLE 2: Unique identifier can be national registration number, tax number, VAT number, or LEI (Legal
Entity Identifier). Attribute collection for natural person representing legal person

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.4.

[CONDITONAL] If the applicant is a natural person representing a legal person, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL- Identity attributes for the natural person shall be collected according to the requirements in clause of the present document.

COL- Identity attributes for the legal person shall be collected according to the requirements in clause of the present document.

COL- The role of the natural person with respect to the legal person and identification of the source of the authorization of the natural person to represent the legal person shall be collected.

8.2.4 Use of existing eID means as evidence

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik van andere elektronische identificatiemiddelen voor het aantonen van de identiteit. Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning biedt geen ruimte voor het gebruik van andere elektronische identificatiemiddelen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If existing eID means for authentication is used as evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

NOTE 1: A physical identity document can be used with the applicant's physical presence and remotely by the applicant presenting the document in front of a camera.

COL-8.2.4-01: For each identity proofing context supported, the conditions that an eID or eID scheme is required to fulfil to be accepted for identity proofing shall be documented and published.

NOTE 1: Most eID solutions today represent a natural person, although eID means for a legal person or a natural person representing a legal person is possible.

EXAMPLE 1: The documentation can list named eIDs or eID schemes or describe the necessary characteristics of eIDs or eID schemes by referring to a required LoA as defined by an assurance level

EXAMPLE 2: Acceptance for an identity proofing context can require that certain identity attributes are asserted by the eID means.

EXAMPLE 3: The identity proofing context can state that only eIDs notified according to the eIDAS
Regulation [i.1] Article 9 can be used.

COL-8.2.4-02: The eID shall conform to eIDAS LoA substantial or high or conform to an LoA defined by another assurance level framework and offering comparable assurance to the relevant eIDAS LoA level.

NOTE 2: eIDAS LoAs are specified by CIR (EU) 2015/1502 [i.3]. The identity proofing context can require
conformance to specifically the eIDAS LoA framework and can also require that eIDs are notified
according to the eIDAS Regulation [i.1] Article 9.

EXAMPLE 4: The eID can conform to a national assurance level framework of an EU Member State or an
assurance level framework of a non-EU state; in both cases, the assurance level framework can be aligned with the eIDAS LoAs.

NOTE 3: The comparable assurance to an eIDAS LoA level can be assessed by an independent, accredited
conformity assessment body.

NOTE 4: The identity proofing context can place further requirements on the issuing of the eID, e.g. to avoid a long chain of eID renewals where the presence (physical or remote) of the eID subject is a long time in the past, or to avoid a long chain of eIDs that are all issued based on another eID.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.4-03: If required attributes to be collected cannot be confirmed by the authentication using the eID means, these attributes shall be collected from other sources and validated by use of other evidence in accordance with the identity proofing context.

NOTE 5: Typically, this happens when required attributes are not present in the identity assertion obtained from the authentication protocol.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.4-04: If the eID means is used for an identity proofing process supporting an EU qualified trust service, the eID shall conform to eIDAS LoA substantial or high.

NOTE 6: When the qualified trust service is the issuance of a qualified certificate, eIDAS Article 24.1 (b) states that the eID means is required to be issued based on a prior physical presence of the natural person or an authorized representative of the legal person.

8.2.5 Use of existing digital signature means as evidence

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.2.

[CONDITONAL] If an existing digital signature means with a supporting certificate is used as evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL-8.2.5-01: For each identity proofing context supported, the conditions under which digital signatures and certificates are accepted shall be documented and published.

NOTE 1: A digital signature can be applied by a natural person (electronic signature as defined by eIDAS), a legal person (electronic seal as defined by eIDAS), or a natural person representing a legal person, depending on the information included in the certificate and the semantics of this information.

NOTE 2: The conditions can be stated in the form of a signature policy; see ETSI TS 119 172-1 [i.13].

NOTE 3: The present document makes no assumption on the format or content of the document signed. Identity attributes are evidenced by the certificate, not by the signed document.

EXAMPLE 1: Regarding digital signature, the identity proofing context can require that a qualified electronic signature/seal, according to the eIDAS regulation, is used.

EXAMPLE 2: Regarding certificate, the list can consist of named certificate issuers or describe the necessary characteristics of the certificate, e.g. by referring to a policy level as defined by ETSI EN 319 411-1 [i.7] or ETSI EN 319 411-2 [i.8].

EXAMPLE 3: Acceptance for an identity proofing context can pose requirements for certificate content, e.g. require that certain identity attributes are present for the named subject.

[CONDITONAL] COL-8.2.5-02: If a digital signature with a supporting certificate is accepted as evidence of identity for a natural person representing a legal person, the certificate should evidence the connection between the natural and the legal person.

NOTE 4: For an X.509 certificate, this will typically imply that the Subject field of the certificate identifies both the natural and the legal person; however, such identification in itself does not evidence that the natural person is authorized to represent the legal person for the identity proofing.

COL-8.2.5-03: The certificate shall at least conform to the NCP policy level as defined by ETSI EN 319 411-1 [i.7].

NOTE 5: The identity proofing context can place further requirements on the issuing of the certificate, e.g. to avoid a long chain of certificate renewals where the presence (physical or remote) of the certificate  subject is a long time in the past, or to avoid a long chain of certificates that are all issued based on another certificate. A requirement for the certificate to be issued based on one of the use cases defined in the present document can be recommended.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.5-04: If required attributes to be collected are not present in the certificate, these attributes shall be collected from other sources and validated by the use of other evidence in accordance with the identity proofing context.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.5-05: If the digital signature with certificate is used for an identity proofing process supporting an EU qualified trust service, the digital signature shall be a qualified electronic signature as defined by the eIDAS Regulation if the applicant is a natural person or a natural person representing a legal person, or a qualified electronic seal as defined by the eIDAS Regulation if the applicant is a legal person.

NOTE 6: When the qualified trust service is the issuance of a qualified certificate, eIDAS Article 24.1 (c) states that the qualified certificate is required to be issued based on identity proofing either by a prior physical presence of the natural person or of an authorized representative of the legal person, or by an eID means conforming to eIDAS substantial or high that is in turn based on identity proofing by the physical presence of the natural person or an authorized representative of the legal person.

8.2.6 Use of trusted register as supplementary evidence

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.1.

[CONDITONAL] If a trusted register is used as supplementary evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL-8.2.6-01: For each identity proofing context supported, a list of the trusted registers used to collect and/or validate attributes, and whether lookup in these registers is mandatory or optional, shall be documented and published.

NOTE 1: Availability of trusted registers can vary between countries, ranging from no availability to lookup in particular sources, e.g. national population registers or business registers, mandated by national regulation.

EXAMPLE 1: Trusted registers can be used both to validate attributes that are already collected to ensure that the attribute values are correct and up to date, and to fetch additional attributes.

COL-8.2.6-02: Only official national or nationally approved registers should be accepted as trusted registers.

EXAMPLE 2: Depending on the identity proofing context, information sources such as existing customer
databases of TSPs or other service providers can be defined as trusted registers.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.6-03: If the applicant is a legal person, the attributes collected for the legal person shall be verified against an authoritative business register to the extent that the legal person is registered and that the required attributes are present in the register.

NOTE 2: There can be a need to do identity proofing of entities that do not possess a unique identifier and that are not present in any business register, e.g. public sector agencies in some countries.

8.2.7 Use of proof of access as supplementary evidence

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik van vertrouwde toegangsmethoden voor het aantonen van de identiteit.  Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning maakt geen gebruik controle van vertrouwde toegangsmethoden voor het antonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If proof of access is used as supplementary evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL-8.2.7-01: For each identity proofing context supported, a list of the proof of access mechanisms that are required or accepted as supplementary evidence of identity and the attributes that are collected or validated from these mechanisms shall be documented and published.

NOTE: Proof of access will usually be relevant only for natural persons.

EXAMPLE 1: Proof of access to a bank account with identity information obtained from the bank.

EXAMPLE 2: Proof of access to a mobile phone with identity information obtained from the mobile operator's subscription register.

COL-8.2.7-02: The attributes returned from the proof of access shall be reliably linked to the applicant.

EXAMPLE 3: Proof of access to a bank account owned by another person could result in attributes for the other person to be returned.

COL-8.2.7-03: The reliability of attributes obtained from proof of access mechanisms shall be evaluated with all cases of attributes considered to have lower reliability than the outcome of the general identity proofing process documented and published.

EXAMPLE 4: The general outcome of an identity proofing process is Baseline, but a mobile phone number
obtained from proof of access can have lower reliability.

8.2.8 Use of documents and attestations as supplementary evidence

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik documenten en verklaringen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.  Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning maakt geen gebruik documenten en verklaringen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If documents and attestations are used as supplementary evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL-8.2.8-01: For each identity proofing context supported, a list of the documents or attestations required or accepted as supplementary evidence of identity and the attributes that are collected or validated from this documentation shall be documented and published.

EXAMPLE 1: For a natural person, in some countries, utility bills or similar can be required as evidence of

EXAMPLE 2: Attestations can be used as evidence that a legal person exists and for further information on its legal status, and as evidence that a natural person is entitled to represent the legal person.

[CONDITIONAL] COL-8.2.8-02: If the applicant is a legal person, a statement from a natural person verified to represent the legal person may be accepted as evidence.

COL-8.2.8-03: The reliability of attributes obtained from documents and attestations shall be evaluated with all cases of attributes considered to have lower reliability than the outcome of the general identity proofing process documented and published.

EXAMPLE 3: The general outcome of an identity proofing process is Baseline, but an address obtained from a utility bill can have lower reliability.

COL-8.2.8-04: Acceptance of digital documents and attestations should be limited to digital documents and attestations that are evidenced by the issuer's digital signature.

NOTE: The identity proofing context can pose requirements that a digital signature is required to fulfil to be accepted.

8.2.9 Evidence collection for natural person representing legal person

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.4.

[CONDITIONAL] If the applicant is a natural person purporting to represent a legal person, the requirements in the present clause apply.

COL-8.2.9-01: Evidence for the natural person's identity shall be collected according to the relevant requirements from clauses 8.2.3 to 8.2.8 of the present document.

COL-8.2.9-02: Evidence for the legal person's identity shall be collected according to the relevant requirements from clauses 8.2.3 to 8.2.8 of the present document.

COL-8.2.9-03: For each identity proofing context supported, the accepted means to evidence the link between the natural person's identity and the legal person's identity shall be documented and published.

EXAMPLE 1: Trusted registers like business registries, or required documents and attestations.

COL-8.2.9-04: For each identity proofing context supported, the positions, roles, or other relationships accepted for a natural person to represent a legal person shall be documented and published.

EXAMPLE 2: Directors, executives, board members, or a natural person with authorization duly delegated from another natural person in an authorized role.

COL-8.2.9-05: For each identity proofing context supported, any freshness (current) requirement applicable to any statement or document regarding the natural person's relationship to the legal person shall be documented and published.

COL-8.2.9-06: If the legal person is listed in an authoritative business register, the role of the natural person concerning the legal person shall be collected from or validated against this business register to the extent that the required attributes are present in the register.

NOTE 1: Practices for registration vary between countries. As one example, public sector entities are not registered in business registers in all countries.

COL-8.2.9-07: The role of the natural person concerning the legal person may be collected from or verified against other information sources than authoritative business registers.

NOTE 2: This, in particular, applies to legal persons that are not present in such business registers.

EXAMPLE 3: Information source can be public notaries, other registers than business registers, the official web site of the legal person, contacts with representatives of the legal person other than the concerned
natural person etc.

COL-8.2.9-08: Documents and attestations from the concerned legal person may be used as evidence of a natural person's authorization to represent the legal person.

8.3 Attribute and evidence validation
8.3.1 General requirements

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.1.

VAL-8.3.1-01: All necessary identity attributes shall be validated to the required reliability by the presented evidence.

VAL-8.3.1-02: Evidence of the identity proofing process shall be collected and secured supporting requirements in clause 8.5.2 of the present document.

VAL-8.3.1-03: The handling of differences in encoding of identity attributes between collected attributes and attributes from evidence, and between different evidence, shall be described.

EXAMPLE 1: Typical sources of differences are transcription between alphabets or from non-alphabetical scripts (e.g. Chinese) to an alphabet, transcription of national language characters (e.g. Norwegian æ, ø, å)
into Latin characters, and transcription of diacritics (e.g. French é, è, ê) into Latin characters.

VAL-8.3.1-04: The handling of differences in name attributes between collected attributes and attributes from evidence, and between different evidence, shall be described.

EXAMPLE 2: Missing names (middle names or first names), change of name not reflected (e.g. evidence
contains a name before a later change of name), use of initials, truncation (e.g. limited number of
characters that can be printed on an identity document), use of prefix (e.g. Dr) or suffix (e.g. Jr).

VAL-8.3.1-05: The identity proofing process shall verify that the evidence is of a type accepted according to the identity proofing context.

VAL-8.3.1-06: The identity proofing process shall verify that the evidence is issued by an authoritative source that is trusted according to the identity proofing context.

[CONDITONAL] VAL-8.3.1-07: If the evidence has an explicit validity period, the identity proofing process shall verify that the time of the identity proofing is within this validity period.

EXAMPLE 3: Valid from and valid to attributes of a digital signature certificate, date of expiry of an identity

VAL-8.3.1-11: The identity proofing process shall as far as possible verify that the evidence is valid at the time of the identity proofing.

EXAMPLE 4: An identity document can be declared lost, stolen, or revoked, but not all document issuers provide an online status service that can be used to check current status, and if an online status service
exists, its availability can be restricted.

VAL-8.3.1-12: Validation of evidence shall be done in an environment controlled by the actor responsible for the identity proofing process.

NOTE 3: This requirement does not prohibit remote access to this environment by registration officers.

8.3.4 Validation of eID

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik van andere elektronische identificatiemiddelen voor het aantonen van de identiteit. Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning biedt geen ruimte voor het gebruik van andere elektronische identificatiemiddelen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If authentication by use of an existing eID means is used as evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

VAL-8.3.4-01: An authentication protocol that confirms that the holder of the eID means is successfully authenticated and that the eID means used is valid (not expired, suspended, or revoked) shall be executed.

NOTE 1: Successful authentication implies that the eID means as evidence is validated, that the identity
information conveyed from the eID means is validated, and that the identity information is bound to the

NOTE 2: The eID means can represent a natural person, a legal person, or a natural person representing a legal person.

8.3.5 Validation of digital signature with certificate

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.2.

[CONDITONAL] If a digital signature with certificate is used as evidence, the requirements in the present clause apply.

VAL-8.3.5-01: The digital signature shall be created as part of the identity proofing process.

NOTE 1: This is to avoid threats from the use of documents previously signed by the applicant.

VAL-8.3.5-02: The digital signature shall be validated and the signing certificate shall only be used as evidence for identity attributes if the signature is valid.

NOTE 2: Usually, this means that the validation result is TOTAL-PASSED as defined by ETSI EN 319 102-1 [i.5].

NOTE 3: If the digital signature is valid, the information obtained from the certificate supporting the digital signature can be considered valid and bound to the applicant.

NOTE 4: The certificate can represent a natural person, a legal person, or a natural person representing a legal person.

[CONDITIONAL] VAL-8.3.5-03: If the identity proofing context requires a digital signature supported by a qualified certificate according to the eIDAS Regulation, the signature should be validated according to ETSI TS 119 172-4 [i.14].

8.3.6 Validation of information obtained from trusted registers

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.4.3 en 2.4.6.

[CONDITONAL] If trusted registers are used in an identity proofing process, the requirements in the present clause apply.

[CONDITONAL] VAL-8.3.6-01: If the communication towards the trusted register is online, the communication channel shall be secured by using an up to date version of the TLS protocol or another protocol offering a comparable level of security.

[CONDITONAL] VAL-8.3.6-02: If the communication towards the trusted register is online, the trusted register shall be authenticated.

EXAMPLE 1: By a website certificate.

[CONDITONAL] VAL-8.3.6-03: If the communication towards the trusted register is message-based, all messages shall be authenticated and integrity protected.

EXAMPLE 2: By use of digital signatures. The identity proofing context can pose requirements that a digital signature is required to fulfil to be accepted.

[CONDITONAL] VAL-8.3.6-04: If the communication towards the trusted register is message-based, all messages containing personal identity information shall be encrypted.

VAL-8.3.6-05: The integrity and authenticity of the information obtained from the trusted register shall be validated.

VAL-8.3.6-06: The procedure to apply in case of discrepancies between the information obtained from trusted registers and information from other evidence shall be documented.

EXAMPLE 3: A trusted register can override information obtained from other evidence. The identity proofing context can pose requirements.

8.3.7 Validation of proof of access

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik van vertrouwde toegangsmethoden voor het aantonen van de identiteit.  Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning maakt geen gebruik controle van vertrouwde toegangsmethoden voor het antonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If proof of access is used in an identity proofing process, the requirements in the present clause apply.

VAL-8.3.7-01: A proof of access protocol shall be executed to ensure that the applicant controls the item in question.

EXAMPLE 1: To confirm possession of mobile phone number, email address, or bank account.

VAL-8.3.7-02: The identity information obtained shall be transferred or otherwise be made available for the identity proofing process in a way that ensures the authenticity of the source of information and integrity and confidentiality of the information.

VAL-8.3.7-03: The integrity and authenticity of the identity attributes obtained shall be validated.

EXAMPLE 2: Information from an existing customer record of a bank or a telecommunications service provider.

[CONDITIONAL] VAL-8.3.7-04: If proof of access to a bank account is used as supplementary evidence, the applicant's access to the bank account shall be reliably authenticated.

EXAMPLE 3: By use of eID means fulfilling requirements for PSD2 (EU Payment Services Directive) SCA
(Strong Customer Authentication) [i.2].

EXAMPLE 4: A payment made by the applicant to an account associated with the identity proofing process can be part of the proof of access protocol.

VAL-8.3.7-05: The procedure to apply in case of discrepancies between the identity attributes obtained from proof of access and identity attributes from other evidence shall be documented.

EXAMPLE 5: The information obtained from proof of access can be regarded as authoritative and override other sources of information, or other evidence can be regarded as authoritative, or an arbitration
procedure can be used. The identity proofing context can pose requirements.

8.3.8 Validation of documents and attestations

De eisen in deze paragraaf gaan over het gebruik documenten en verklaringen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.  Het proces voor identificatie op afstand bij ETD/eHerkenning maakt geen gebruik documenten en verklaringen voor het aantonen van de identiteit.

[CONDITONAL] If documents and attestations are used in an identity proofing process, the requirements in the present clause apply.

VAL-8.3.8-01: The identity proofing process shall verify that the document or attestation presented is of an accepted type and is issued by an actor trusted according to the identity proofing context.

VAL-8.3.8-02: The identity of the issuer of the document or attestation, and the authenticity and integrity of the contained information, shall be verified.

NOTE 1: For a digital document, this can imply validating a digital signature on the document or attestation. The identity proofing context can pose requirements that a digital signature is required to fulfil to be accepted.

NOTE 2: For a physical document, this can be by physical signatures or seals, logos and other visual elements, and by examining the document to detect falsification and tampering.

[CONDITIONAL] VAL-8.3.8-03: If a document or attestation is in physical form or digital form rendered for human validation, the identity proofing process shall verify that the document presented is visually equal to the expected visual appearance.

[CONDITIONAL] VAL-8.3.8-04: If a document or attestation is in physical form and the document type contains security elements, these security elements shall be verified to the extent required by the identity proofing context.

VAL-8.3.8-05: The procedure to apply in case of discrepancies between the identity attributes obtained from documents and attestations and identity attributes from other evidence shall be documented.

EXAMPLE: The information obtained from documents and attestations can be regarded as authoritative and override other sources of information, or other evidence can be regarded as authoritative, or an
arbitration procedure can be used. The identity proofing context can pose requirements.

8.4 Binding to applicant

8.4.2 Capture of face image of the applicant

 Aan deze eis kan momenteel geen invulling worden gegeven omdat er geen industry best practice bestaat. Ontwikkelingen vanuit ETSI t.a.v. een industry best practice zullen worden gevolgd

BIN-8.4.2-08: Test results for the PAD shall achieve an APCER (attack presentation classification error rate) as defined by ISO/IEC 30107-3 [3] at the level of industry best practice.

NOTE 7: No specific number is specified for the APCER. Rapid technology improvement can lead to significant progress in industry best practice APCER performance even in the short term.

APCER = attack presentation classification error rate
proportion of attack presentations using the same PAI species incorrectly classified as bona fide presentations in a specific scenario

Bron: ISO30107-3: Information technology — Biometric presentation attack detection — Part 3: Testing and reporting, paragraaf 3.2.1

BIN-8.4.2-09: Test results for the PAD should achieve BPCER (bona fide presentation classification error rate) as defined by ISO/IEC 30107-3 [3] at the level of industry best practice.

NOTE 8: The BPCER has no impact on security but on user-friendliness.

BPCER = bona fide presentation classification error rate
proportion of bona fide presentations incorrectly classified as presentation attacks in a specific scenario

Bron: ISO30107-3: Information technology — Biometric presentation attack detection — Part 3: Testing and reporting, paragraaf 3.2.2

Dit is een kwaliteitsnorm voor gebruikersvriendelijkheid. De toetreder dient via een risicoanalyse aan te tonen dat hierop zicht wordt gehouden.

8.4.3 Binding to applicant by automated face biometrics

Aan deze eis kan momenteel geen invulling worden gegeven omdat er geen industry best practice bestaat.  Ontwikkelingen vanuit ETSI t.a.v. een industry best practice zullen worden gevolgd.

BIN-8.4.3-07: Test results for the biometric face recognition shall show a FAR (false acceptance rate) at the level of industry best practice.

NOTE 3: No specific number is specified for FAR. Rapid technology improvement can lead to significant progress in industry best practice FAR performance even in the short term.

NOTE 4: An example of industry best practice reference can be the one-to-one face matching results reported from the NIST Face Recognition Vendor Test.

ETSI 119 461 definities:

False Acceptance Rate (FAR)
proportion of verification transactions with false biometric claims erroneously accepted

NOTE: Source ISO/IEC 19795-1 [i.17].

BIN-8.4.3-08: Test results for the biometric face recognition should show a FRR (false rejection rate) at the level of industry best practice.

NOTE 5: False rejection rate has no impact on security but on user-friendliness.

ETSI 119 461 definities:

False Rejection Rate (FRR)
proportion of verification transactions with true biometric claims erroneously rejected

NOTE: Source ISO/IEC 19795-1 [i.17].

De Toetreder dient via een risicoanalyse aan te tonen dat hierop zicht wordt gehouden.

8.4.5 Binding to applicant for legal person and natural person representing legal person

De eisen in deze paragraaf zijn onderdeel van het Normenkader betrouwbaarheidsniveaus, paragraaf 2.1.4.

[CONDITONAL] If the applicant is a legal person or a natural person representing a legal person, the following requirements apply:

BIN-8.4.5-01: Validated evidence shall prove that the legal person exists and that the application to the trust service is a willful act carried out on behalf of the legal person.

[CONDITIONAL] BIN-8.4.5-02: If the applicant is a natural person representing a legal person, the identity of the natural person shall be proven according to the requirements of the present document.

[CONDITIONAL] BIN-8.4.5-03: If the applicant is a natural person representing a legal person, validated evidence shall prove the natural person's authorization to represent the legal person.

[CONDITIONAL] BIN-8.4.5-04: If the applicant is a natural person representing a legal person, and the legal person is listed in an authoritative business register, the natural person's authorization to represent the legal person should be proven by information from that register.

NOTE: This implies that the natural person has one of the roles listed in the business register and that this role is authorized to represent the legal person in the identity proofing context.

9 Use cases for identity proofing to Baseline LoIP

Eisen zijn onderdeel van het Afsprakenstelsel ETD.

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